
Welcome to Cerridwen's Cauldron!

I obtain & create ethically sourced metaphysical & magical items to enhance & aid your spiritual &/or magical work and sacred space. I use as much eco friendly packaging as I can, trying to limit the use of plastic. I do not purchase bubble wrap/foam packing but I will reuse it in orders if I have some available. 

Current charity is SORCO. Sorco is dedicated to rehabilitating injured and orphaned birds of prey for release back to the wild, and to educating the public to the important role raptors play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

Hello & thank you for supporting my small business! I know there is so much to choose from online, from Amazon to Etsy & endless other stores. It means so much to me that you've popped in here :). Welcome to my little corner of the internet :). Let me share a bit about myself...

My name is Lena & I am the sole proprietor behind Cerridwen's Cauldron (& Whispering Botanicals). I became an Aromatherapist & a Reiki Master back in the early 2000's. Through shifts of the tides & life ups & downs, I went astray from my hearts true wish. I started my aromatherapy business Whispering Botanicals in 2014, but due to various reasons, it shifted away from what I had hoped for it....I recently decided it was time to move away from Etsy & launch an independent website for Whispering Botanicals....but there's more to it, so lets back up...

My whole life I have never felt like I could just proudly be myself. None of my friends were like me... Since I can remember, I was always told, 'You're too sensitive!'  'Why are you crying?!' 'You're weird!' 'Why are you like that?'. They all made me feel embarrassed & ashamed of who I was... like there was something wrong with me...why am I the only one like this?  And so, through the years I would explore & expand my interests, spiritual practices & beliefs in secret. Never fully allowing myself to openly accept & own who I am, for FEAR. Fear of those comments, rejection, judgement, criticism, lectures. I have watched & admired those strong women who  dance to their own beat & unapologetically & proudly, flaunted who they are with pride & a big smile :). 

I have wanted a metaphysical shop of my own since I was an early teen & would spend as much time as I could in metaphysical shops... they were the only place I felt like I could just be me, they felt safe & loving. They always had amazing energy & the staff always were so accepting (like they understood!).  Reading books on magic, ancient cultures, rituals, spells & Old God pantheons. The old ways sang to my soul!

So one night, after I decided for certain it was time to branch out from Etsy...I had a little talk with the Lord & Lady & went to bed. As I fell asleep I was jolted awake, with a loud "Cerridwen's Cauldron!" in my mind & the knowing that NOW is the time time to follow my path. To have a shop & have it be exactly how I want. Was it Cerridwen herself telling me this!? So I took the plunge! Launching Cerridwen's Cauldron is an act of honouring myself & my dreams...an act of self love & acceptance. Free of fear.

For now, my office is a little metaphysical 'store' for this online business with it's intoxicating scent of incense & amazing energy! I still have dreams of a brick & mortar shop.. a place to connect with people in person. But one step at a time. For now this virtual space is a safe, welcoming place for pagans, energy workers & anyone who feels the draw or doesn't fit in the box. 

Bright Blessings, 

Picture: My "inner witch" illustrated in a commissioned piece by Teo Dima.